Category Archives: Gardening

About Tropical Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

“Tropical Hibiscus” is a term widely used to describe cultivars of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, a member of the plant family Malvaceae. Also known informally as Chinese Hibiscus or China Rose, hibiscus varieties are widely grown as ornamental flowering plants. Over 10,000 varieties have been created by hybridizing, many of those by amateur garden hobbyists. Continue reading About Tropical Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

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Fighting Summer Heat Wilt

Tropical Hibiscus grown in very hot, sunny areas such as the Gulf Coast may struggle with heat & dehydration during mid-summer afternoons.  In direct sunlight in temperatures of 95F or more, no matter how much you water, some plants may not be able to transfer water for the roots to the leaves fast enough to prevent wilting.  Wilting is the most visible result of plant stress from lack of water. Continue reading Fighting Summer Heat Wilt

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Snails & Slugs, ugh!

Whenever we get a few days of rain during the summer, local snail and slug populations practically explode. The little nuisances show up on sidewalks, walls, windows, and worst of all for gardeners.. they eat hibiscus leaves and blooms! Snails & slugs are related species, and both thrive in high hot, humidity areas. Even without rain, automatic sprinkler systems can combine with warm weather to create ideal habitat for these critters.
Continue reading Snails & Slugs, ugh!

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